Saturday 24 April 2010

The up's and down's of this treatment so far

It has been a very strange week and a bit. I hit mid cycle just over a week ago and it affected me hugely, I became very suicidal day. My Daughter was away with her Grandparents and I only had my 3 year old Son with me. If he was away with her I wouldn't be here now.

Up until now I have had crippling pain and mood plummet with mid cycle, but I don't think I have ever been suicidal like that. The plus point, as there is one, is that I didn't have the pain I have always had before. I am taking this to mean that things must be changing to help me.

Since that Thursday I have been OK. It took a few days to get over that emotional exhaustion, but I wasn't quite so down as I usually am at the end of my cycle. The next change I have noticed, is that the second half of my cycle is much shorter. This cycle, the second half of my cycle has been just 9 days. I haven't been in much pain at all, in fact, I had no warning of the arrival of a period at all this time! I haven't had the mood swings as much towards the end of the cycle. The only symptom I have had is craving sweet things again. But even that I have been able to control much better than normal.

I have started to read a book, on recommendation of a dear friend, called The Beck Diet Solution. Dr Beck treats patients with food and eating problems, disordered thinking and self control. It has proved to be the best self help book I have ever bought, much of it makes sense. I am only on day 4 of reading through the plan and so far am finding that the things I do, with regards to eating, are totally fixable. I need to rethink my approach to food and make some subtle changes and this book is really helping with that.

The next injection is in just over a week and hopefully some more changes for the better will come with it.