Wednesday 17 March 2010

A great response!

I have had some really positive comments since publishing this blog yesterday and I am really pleased to have touched some people enough that have felt the need to message me. I know lots of women who suffer each and every month and mostly suffer in silence because "it is a woman thing" and therefore we should just put up with it because it is nature. Rubbish. When something is so severe that it ruins your day/ week/ month/ life then it is more than just "normal".

Sure we all get cramps, that is part and parcel but I have been told by so many doctors (mostly women I hasten to add) that I will just have to suffer!! So I have done.

Someone pointed out to me that I haven't explained what PMDD stands for, well it is Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder. The name of the condition makes sense once you know what it stands for!

PMDD apparently affects 4% of women, so it really is quite hard to get a diagnosis for. Even harder because not many people know what it is. Hopefully by spreading the word a bit more, people will become more familiar with it and some women who have been "putting up with it" will be able to press for more investigations.


  1. PMDD is horrible. I've had it for a LONG time :) Very hard to pretend you're normal when all you feel is despair. And every little thing that happens becomes a HUGE thing. I've even felt as low as suicide or running away from my husband. (Even though we have a wonderful relationship outside of my PMDD) Take care and I've signed on to your RSS feed.

  2. I think it is so hard to understand this condition isn't it? Because for the first week to two weeks you are just "normal" then you turn into this pyscho from hell. I don't know about you but I become completely soulless, unfeeling and numb. Nothing could hurt me when I feel like that because no one could be as low as I am at that point. What do you do to cope in those dark times? Is there anything you have tried that just gets you through? What medications are you on?
